Articles by Margaret Turley

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Super Bug on East Coast and California

  New Super Bug  CRKP

Other Super Bugs: MRSA - Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus .

VRE - Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci

What to do to avoid these deadly infections:

Vitamin D and Probiotics 

Other vitamins and supplements of significance for fighting of viruses and bacterial infections:  Beta Carotine/vitamin A, Vitamin C, all antioxidants.

Another product known for antimicrobial activity is Tea Tree Oil.

When prescribed - take the entire course of antibiotics.  Take probiotics along with the antibiotics to prevent overgrowth of harmful fungi and bacteria.

Don't use antibiotics except for in life threatening circumstances.

Natural immune stimulants include: colloidal silver, garlic.

Wash hands, do not touch open wounds, treat any break in the skin. (your bodies best defense). Wash soiled linens in hot water with germicidal agents.

Don't visit immune suppressed individuals (cancer patients, babies, elderly) when you have a cold. It can be fatal for them. Avoid hospitals when at all possible - they are a petri dish for mega super bugs.

Remember to seek professional help from your physician for any unusual symptoms, or illness that are not improving.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

What We Can Do to Help Japan

Our hearts go out to Japan as it rocks from the devastating tsumami, earthquake and resultant nuclear crisis. Many international organizations are available to help. When we feel helpless, but still want to help in any way possible, please consider the following:

AMERICAN RED CROSS: Emergency Operation Centers are opened in the affected areas and staffed by the chapters. This disaster is on a scale larger than the Japanese Red Cross can typically manage. Donations to the American Red Cross can be allocated for the International Disaster Relief Fund, which then deploys to the region to help. Donate here.

GLOBALGIVING: Established a fund to disburse donations to organizations providing relief and emergency services to victims of the earthquake and tsunami. Donate here.

CONVOY OF HOPE: Disaster Response team established connection with in-country partners who have been impacted by the damage and are identifying the needs and areas where Convoy of Hope may be of the greatest assistance. Donate here.

INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL CORPS: Putting together relief teams, as well as supplies, and are in contact with partners in Japan and other affected countries to assess needs and coordinate our activities. Donate here.

SHELTER BOX: The first team is mobilizing to head to Japan and begin the response effort. Donate here.

My personal choice to donate for humanitarian aide to Japan is with my church: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - The Mormons. Members and friends of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints often express interest in helping financially when natural disasters strike. The emergency response efforts of the Church in Japan and throughout the world are funded through the Humanitarian Aid Fund.  Those wishing to provide resources to the Church for these important initiatives may contribute to this fund.
Donate to LDS Humanitarian aid for Japan .

As we saw in Haiti - The US Navy is assisting in Japan. Support our troups as they aide the world.