Articles by Margaret Turley

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Humanitarian Aide

When major disasters happen our hearts reach out.  Nurses by nature want to help. Thousands of our profession have assisted - as we typically have in the past.
There are many humanitarian groups around the globe such as the red cross.  Another group that is among the first responders is the LDS Church.LDS medical team arrives in Haiti. Response Volunteers.This week a larger medical team of 125 men and women, doctors, nurses, and rescue workers left to add their efforts after arranging to be off work for 21 days.
Many want to assist other than donating money,  but cannot travel to distances beyond our horizon.  There are millions of homeless children in our own nation. Many other worthy humanitarian projects are available in local neighborhoods such as Habitat for Humanity and Salvation Army. I encourage you to open your eyes to see, open your ears to hear, open your heart to feel, and your hands to give. Be the answer to someone's prayer.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Chronic headaches can be very debilitating. I personally experience migraine, cluster, tension, TMJ, sinus and other headaches.
As a nurse I feel frustrated that I can't make my body respond and get better. I'm sure other headache sufferers feel very similar.

Here are a few tips I have found useful.

1. Get enough sleep. Go to bed at the same time. Use your bed for sleep and nothing else.
2. Avoid extreme Noise and Bright or Flashing lights whenever possible. If you are experiencing a headache go to a quiet dark room and rest with ice applied to your head and or neck.
3. Keep a log of when your headaches happen, try to identify the inciting event such as eating a certain food, a stressful situation, and so forth. Note how long the headache lasts and what you did to relieve it.
4.) Share this log with your doctor. If you haven't sought out professional medical assistance do so now. Do not ignore or gloss over persistent or chronic headaches. They can be the sign of another problem that requires proper attention.
5.) Know your limits. Learn how to say no.
6.) Give yourself relaxation and fun time.

The following physicians have been extremely helpful to me:
1.) Carol Foster MD at Headache Clinic - Valley Neurological
2.) Dr. Joseph R. Cohen at Southwest Pain Management Associates
3.) The entire staff at Foothills Neurology.
4.) Andrea Orlowski NMD at Inner Light Health
5.) Jason Porter NMD at East Valley Naturopathic.

There are many other qualified physicians in the Phoenix Metro area. If you don't live in this part of the world seek out professional assistance where you are at.

May you have a happy and healthy 2010,
Rachel Andersen

Monday, January 11, 2010

I am inviting any authors that would like to be interviewed or have their books reviewed to contact me on Margaret's Blog.
My interview about Save the Child scheduled is the topic of my friend Tina Scott's blog today. Please drop by and leave a comment.
Have a great week,
Rachel Andersen